Building off its homepage redesign in December, YouTube is rolling out design updates to other aspects of its site.

The changes include updates to the Browse page, Video Editor and Video Manager and align with the overall rebranding that Google has pushed out to the majority of its sites and products.

The Browse page now boasts a cleaner design with a focus on discovering new channels and videos. YouTube displays the most viewed videos as well as recommendations based on your past viewing habits.

A nice touch is the “play all” button, which will play all the videos in a certain section or channel.

The Video Editor has also released a big overhaul. Not only is the look and feel consistent with the overall YouTube design, the timeline and moving playhead are now much more similar to editing programs such as Apple’s iMovie.

YouTube Video Editor

YouTube updated its Video Manager back in December, but the company has made some changes based on user feedback. This includes a new search history section. YouTube has also re-added the like and dislike statistics and the ability to sort by popularity.

YouTube Video Manager

YouTube isn’t the only video sharing service to change up its design. Vimeo started rolling out its biggest update in five years earlier this week.

Let us know what you think of the new YouTube in the comments.

1 Response to 'YouTube Changes Again: Video Editor, Browse Page Updated'

  1. sharery dair Said,'> July 10, 2016 at 8:11 AM

    Google surveys your site to figure out whether it's reasonable for consideration.


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